Much of our research is made possible thanks to your support!
Your donations help us to continue our long-term population study, and research on cultural transmission and predation patterns. Most of the donations are spent on data collection, data storage, designing and printing brochures, flyers, and Killer Whale Sample Field Guides.
We are also working with NOAA to update our 1997 Killer Whale Photo-ID catalog. Our collected data and data analysis will be used to advocate for killer whales' environmental protection and clean up, sanctuary expansion, and commercial/private fishing regulations that work for all the stakeholders by sharing the data with policy makers. We plan to speak out for not only Bigg’s killer whales off California, but also for Bigg’s killer whales off our entire west coast. We also work with our Scientific Advisors, Ken Balcomb and Jared Towers to advocate for Southern and Northern Resident killer whales.